Thursday, March 17, 2011

Displays the alphabet forward and backwards and then displays a welcome message - By Professor Ronald J. Hart

; Title: CISS 360 Demo Program
; Description: This program displays the alphabet forwards
; and backwards and then displays a welcome
; message.
; Programmer: Ron Hart
; Date/Time: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 3:54 PM

INCLUDE console_io.h ; header file for console input/output

.STACK 4096 ; reserve 4096-byte (1024 DWORD) stack

; Input/Output Facility
; Macro Operand
; put_ch DWORD/Reg (Displays character in parameter)
; get_ch None (Loads character from keyboard into EAX)
; put_str BYTE (Displays string beginning at given address)
; put_i DWORD/Reg (Displays integer value in parameter)
; put_fp REAL4/Reg (Displays float value in parameter)
; get_i DWORD (Loads integer entered at keyboard into parameter)
; get_fp REAL4 (Loads float entered at keyboard into parameter)
; get_str BYTE (Loads string entered at keyboard into parameter)

.DATA ;****************************************************
;* Data Section *

asterisks BYTE "* * * * * * * * * * * * *",10,13,0

welcome BYTE "* Welcome to CISS 360! *",10,13,0

newline DWORD 10

.CODE ;****************************************************
;* Code Section *

_MainProc PROC ; start of main program

mov al, 'a' ; start with lowercase 'a'
mov ecx, 26 ; loop counter (num letter in alphabet)


put_ch eax ; display current character
inc eax ; add one to character value
loop do_forward ; go display next character
put_ch newline ; done, display newline
put_ch newline ; display another newline
dec eax ; decrement character value (now 'z')
mov ecx, 26 ; re-init loop counter


put_ch eax ; display current character
dec eax ; decrement character value
loop do_backward ; go display next character
put_ch newline ; done, display newline
put_ch newline ; display another newline
put_str asterisks ; display string of asterisks
put_str welcome ; display welcome message
put_str asterisks ; display another line of asterisks
put_ch newline ; display newline

done ; macro to display "done" message and get any key
xor eax, eax ; exit with return code 0
ret ; return

_MainProc ENDP ; end of main program


proc_name PROC ; sample procedure

push ebp ; save base pointer
mov ebp, esp ; establish stack frame

;; push registers used by this proc

;; proc code inserted here

;; pop registers used by this proc

pop ebp ; restore base pointer


proc_name ENDP


stat_flags MACRO

fstsw ax ; FPU status word to AX
sahf ; condition code bits to flags


END ; end of source code

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