; Title: CISS 360 Programming Assignment 4
; Description: This program interprets with the concept of big
; endian and little endian. Big Endian is used in UNIX system.
; This pentium assembly language program includes a PROC named
; "Endian" that takes DWORD parameter and reverses its bytes,
; returning the new value in EAX.
; The main PROC is invoked using the PROC for the Endian and a
; display PROC is also used to display the bits.
; Programmer: Prajwal Shrestha
; Professor: Ronald J. Hart
; Date/Time: Wednesday, February 17, 2011 10:20 PM
INCLUDE console_io.h ; header file for console input/output
.STACK 4096 ; reserve 4096-byte (1024 DWORD) stack
; Input/Output Facility
; Macro Operand
; put_ch DWORD/Reg (Displays character in parameter)
; get_ch None (Loads character from keyboard into EAX)
; put_str BYTE (Displays string beginning at given address)
; put_i DWORD/Reg (Displays signed integer value in parameter)
; put_u DWORD/Reg (Displays unsigned integer value in parameter)
; put_fp REAL4/Reg (Displays float value in parameter)
; get_i DWORD (Loads signed integer entered at keyboard into parameter)
; get_u DWORD (Loads unsigned integer entered at keyboard into parameter)
; get_fp REAL4 (Loads float entered at keyboard into parameter)
; get_str BYTE (Loads string entered at keyboard into parameter)
.DATA ;****************************************************
;* Data Section *
prompt1 BYTE "Enter the number to convert or swap: ", 0
prompt2 BYTE "Input Bit Pattern: ", 0
prompt3 BYTE "Converted (Swaped): ", 0
user_input DWORD ?
newline DWORD 10
.CODE ;****************************************************
;* Code Section *
_MainProc PROC
put_ch newline ; starts the newline for display puropses
put_str prompt1 ; displays the message to get the input from the user
get_i user_input ; DWORD user_input gets the input the user types
put_ch newline ; starts the newline for display puropses
mov eax, user_input ; moving user_input to the register eax
push eax ; 1st ELEMENT pushed: pushing eax to procedure
put_str prompt2 ; displays the message to user informing the input bit pattern is..
call display_bits ; calling display_bits procedure
add esp, 4 ; restoring the stack pointer back
push eax ; 1st ELEMENT pushed: pushing eax to procedure
call endian ; calling endian procedure
add esp, 4 ; restoring the stack pointer back
push eax ; 1st ELEMENT pushed: pushing eax to procedure
put_str prompt3 ; displays the message to user the endian bit pattern ie swapped bit pattern is..
call display_bits ; calling display_bits procedure
add esp, 4 ; restoring the stack pointer back
done ; display completion/do-again message
cmp eax, 0 ; EAX = 0?
je rerun_main ; yes, go run program again
xor eax, eax ; exit with return code 0
_MainProc ENDP
display_bits PROC
my_mask DWORD ?
space_char DWORD 32
push ebp ; save base pointer
mov ebp, esp ; establish stack frame
push eax ; pushing eax
push ebx ; pushing ebx
push ecx ; pushing ecx
push edx ; pushing edx
mov ecx, 8 ; bit-separator counter
push ecx ; save bit-separator counter
mov ecx, 32 ; bit-shift counter
mov my_mask, 80000000h ; initialize mask
mov edx, DWORD PTR [ebp+8] ; get value of parameter
mov eax, edx ; moving edx into eax
and eax, my_mask ; masking
cmp eax, 0 ; eax = 0?
je display_0 ; if true goto display
mov ebx, 1 ; moving 1 into ebx
put_i ebx ; displaying bit pattern in ebx
jmp check_separate ; goto check_seperate:
mov ebx, 0 ; moving 0 into ebx
put_i ebx ; displaying bit-pattern in ebx
pop ebx ; poping ebx
dec ebx ; decrementing ebx
cmp ebx, 0 ; ebx != 0
jne shift_mask ; if true goto shift_mask
put_ch space_char ; putting space char
mov ebx, 8 ; moving 8 in to ebx
push ebx ; pushing ebx
shr my_mask, 1 ; shifting right the mask by one position
loop display_bit ; looping
put_ch newline ; displaying newline
put_ch newline ; displaying newline
add esp, 4 ; adding 4 to esp
pop edx ; poping edx
pop ecx ; poping ecx
pop ebx ; poping ebx
pop eax ; poping eax
pop ebp ; poping ebp
display_bits ENDP
endian PROC
push ebp ; save base pointer
mov ebp, esp ; establish stack frame
;; push registers used by this proc
push ebx ; save ebx
push edx ; save edx
mov ebx, [ebp + 8] ; 1st pushed from main: the user input passed from main to ebx proc
mov eax, ebx ; moving value from ebx to eax preserve the value in ebx ie. user input
;; proc code inserted here
and eax, 000000ffh ; performing AND operation with last 8 bits of the eax and all zeros
sal eax, 24 ; shifting left so that it moves 24 position left which gives us the last 8 bits in to first
push eax ; pushing the bits value in eax
mov eax, ebx ; again getting the fresh user input to eax
and eax, 0000ff00h ; performing AND operation with second last 8-bits of the eax AND all zeros
sal eax, 8 ; shifting left 8 bits so that it moves 8 position left which would swap the bits pattern
push eax ; pushing eax to preserve
mov eax, ebx ; again getting the fresh user input to eax
and eax, 00ff0000h ; performing AND operation with second 8-bits of the eax AND all zeros
sar eax, 8 ; shifting right 8 bits so that it moves 8 position right which would swap the bits pattern
push eax ; pushing eax to preserve
mov eax, ebx ; again getting the fresh user input to eax
and eax, 0ff000000h ; performing AND operation with first 8-bits of the eax AND all zeros
sar eax, 24 ; shifting right 24 bits so that it moves 24 position right which would swap the bits pattern
mov edx, eax ; moving eax bit-pattern into edx
pop eax ; poping the eax bit pattern pushed last (latest)
or edx, eax ; somewhat like concanitating bit patterns stored in edx and eax
pop eax ; poping the eax bit pattern pushed last (latest)
or edx, eax ; again concanitating bit patterns stored in edx and eax using OR
pop eax ; poping the eax bit pattern pushed last (latest)
or edx, eax ; again concanitating bit patterns stored in edx and eax using OR
mov eax, edx ; moving edx which contains the swaped bit patters to eax
;; pop registers used by this proc
pop ebx ; restore ebx
pop edx ; restore edx
pop ebp ; restore base pointer
endian ENDP
stat_flags MACRO
fstsw ax ; FPU status word to AX
sahf ; condition code bits to flags
END ; end of source code
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